Legal notice

Legal Notice

Business address

Dr. phil. Nele Honecker
Hafengasse 5
89073 Ulm, Germany

Legal form: freiberufliche Tätigkeit
Owner: Dr. phil. Nele Honecker
Content responsibility: Dr. phil. Nele Honecker


Phone: +49 157.528 32 475

VAT Id. No.


Job Title

The title of Dr. phil. was acquired at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany.

Concept and design of the website

Schwann Design GmbH
Arthur-Benz-Straße 7, 89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany
Phone: 0731 - 509 79 80

Copyright and Trademarks

All content (images, text, videos etc.) published on this website are subject to German copyright. Any replication, reproduction and any other form of use outside the scope of copyright law without the author’s written consent is prohibited.

All trademarks, product names and logos listed on this website are brands or registered trademarks of the respective owners.

Picture credits:

Photographer Carola Gietzen (home page, contact page)

Picture credits iStock:

o0oRichard (team development),
ooyoo (coaching),
brozova (organisation development).

Picture credits shutterstock images:

Olivier Le Moal (HR management)


Nele Honecker Organisation Development & Coaching
Hafengasse 5   | 89073 Ulm   Germany   |  phone: +49157 52832475   | 
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