Organisation Development

Step by step towards the goal

It’s one thing to recognise the need for change within an organisation. Initiating change in an organisation bringing it to completion is another. This is where the actual work is done.

Of central importance are the cooperative development of goals and the step by step path to implementation.

The accompanying of implementation in several steps enables the checking of the effect and the adaptation of activities to the complexity and dynamic of the organisation and its members.

Main areas of focus:

Leadership and conduct culture – facing the complex, volatile, ambiguous and uncertain themes

New company size – mastering the challenges of significant personnel reduction and increase

Changed process and system landscape – actively designing the changing of activities

Organisation design and organisational action in transformation – looking the digital transformation in the eye


Nele Honecker Organisation Development & Coaching
Hafengasse 5   | 89073 Ulm   Germany   |  phone: +49157 52832475   | 
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